I’m Lisa, an Informatics Nurse and Career Coach

My mission is to help nurses build flexible, highly-paid careers in health technology.
Early in my career, I was lucky enough to work with some incredibly generous and forward-thinking nurses. They advised me to consider Nursing Informatics because they saw healthcare and technology coming together. I was encouraged to get in early and grow with this blossoming field.
Thanks to that brilliant advice, I built a successful and fulfilling career as an Informatics Nurse.
Over the last decade, I went from teaching information system classes, to earning a Master’s Degree in Nursing Informatics, to leading large technology projects at healthcare companies.
I started Writing the Future of Health with the goal of inspiring nurses to explore health technology careers. This is my way of paying it forward, by providing the mentoring nurses deserve but do not always get.

My Philosophy
Nurses have an opportunity to lead healthcare innovation.
New healthcare technology is being developed every day. But nurses are not always part of the conversation. Instead of actively shaping change, many nurses wait for change to happen to them.
I believe nurses should not only have a seat at the table, but we are capable of being at the head of the table.
Nurses can save others from burnout by building better tools.
One of the top reasons for bedside nurse burnout is electronic health records that are hard to use.
The more nurses we get involved in designing the technology, the better it will be for our entire profession.
Nurses do not need special permission to get into Informatics.
Informatics careers do not require years of training.
My goal is to get nurses into this field quickly so they can build careers they love and make great technology.

If you are new to my site, welcome! Here are some ways to get started:
Stop by the Store
Check out my ebook, From Bedside Nurse to Informatics Nurse: A How-To Guide. This is a great place to start if you are new to Nursing Informatics.
Get Career Coaching
Career Coaching is a fantastic option for nurses who would like more hands-on guidance in the Nursing Informatics field. Find out more on the Services page.
Read the Articles
Health Informatics vs Nursing Informatics
For nurses considering a degree in Informatics, many see that there are some schools offering a master’s degree in Health Informatics, and others offering one in Nursing...
Browse through our library of Nursing Informatics career articles.