Health Professionals Articles

Early in my nursing career I taught health technology classes to other nurses, and I saw how many of us were not comfortable with technology. But nurses, doctors, therapists, and social workers are expected to not only use technology, but keep up with new tech that may radically change our jobs. The message is clear – evolve or go extinct. These articles will help you evolve.

How I Got My First Job in Nursing Informatics

How I Got My First Job in Nursing Informatics

My most frequently asked question is how to get into the field of Nursing Informatics. There are several different ways nurses get into this area, but all eventually end up in...

Why Every Nurse Needs a Career Action Plan

Why Every Nurse Needs a Career Action Plan

For most nurses, our career planning begins and ends with the statement, I want to be a nurse. We may tag on more detail, such as, I want to be an Informatics Nurse Specialist,...

3 Technology Trends for Informatics Nurses

3 Technology Trends for Informatics Nurses

Informatics Nurses have to stay on top of technology trends. We need to be in the know about new approaches that change how healthcare is provided. One major trend that gave...

Top 3 Nursing Informatics Career Advice

Top 3 Nursing Informatics Career Advice

The pandemic forced everyone in healthcare to try new technologies. Now there is renewed interest in Nursing Informatics and, quite frankly, health technology could really use...

How to Get Into Nursing Informatics

How to Get Into Nursing Informatics

Healthcare technology has been a growing field for some time. But the pandemic accelerated use of technologies for telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and digital...

5 Business Skills Informatics Nurses Must Have

5 Business Skills Informatics Nurses Must Have

The most common misconception about Nursing Informatics is that to be successful, nurses must be excellent with technology. Technology is one focus area of Nursing Informatics,...

Getting Ready for Hospital-At-Home

Getting Ready for Hospital-At-Home

When I was in nursing school xx years ago (not going to say the number, but my reunion has double digits in it), there was this sense that ‘real nursing’ happened in the...

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