nursing informatics tag

Health Informatics vs Nursing Informatics

Health Informatics vs Nursing Informatics

For nurses considering a degree in Informatics, many see that there are some schools offering a master’s degree in Health Informatics, and others offering one in Nursing...

5 Ways to Stay Organized In Nursing Informatics

5 Ways to Stay Organized In Nursing Informatics

When I started my first nursing job, I remember my preceptor showing me how she organized her shift. She had a whole system where she printed out orders, made a ‘to do’ list, and...

The Downside of Nursing Informatics

The Downside of Nursing Informatics

One criticism I often receive on social media is that Nursing Informatics is not a flawless field. Some people are quick to point out that there are those in Nursing Informatics...

Professional Groups for Nursing Informatics

Professional Groups for Nursing Informatics

For nurses interested in this field, it is helpful to know some of the important professional groups for Nursing Informatics. Professional groups can help with networking,...

How Much Does Nursing Informatics Pay?

How Much Does Nursing Informatics Pay?

One question I get asked often is, ‘How much does Nursing Informatics pay?’ Even though salary information seems to be widely available on websites, Nursing Informatics is such a...

Should I Get an MSN in Nursing Informatics?

Should I Get an MSN in Nursing Informatics?

Many nurses believe the MSN in Nursing Informatics is the entry point into this field. Nursing Informatics is not taught in undergraduate nursing school programs, which...

How I Got My First Job in Nursing Informatics

How I Got My First Job in Nursing Informatics

My most frequently asked question is how to get into the field of Nursing Informatics. There are several different ways nurses get into this area, but all eventually end up in...

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