We use technology in our daily lives for everything from ordering takeout to splitting a check. But when it comes to health technology, a lot of us feel a bit lost. Writing the Future of Health aims to change that by making digital health an accessible topic.  

This site has four categories to help you to jump in: 

#1: Digital health basics: 

This covers topics to give you a solid foundation in what digital health is and important terms you need to know as health technology grows. It is a good place for newbies to start, as well as anyone who wants to make sure they have a good understanding of digital health.

#2: Caregivers: 

Being a caregiver to someone else – elderly parents, special needs adults, or small children – is one of the hardest jobs out there. Most caregivers are family members who are unpaid and balancing other responsibilities, like another full-time job. The Caregivers section where we look at what health technology can do to make that job easier and reduce overwhelm.

#3: Health Professionals: 

Earlier in my career I taught health technology classes to other nurses. As a nurse myself, I saw how many of us were not comfortable with technology. But nurses, doctors, therapists, and social workers are expected to not only use technology, but keep up with new tech that may radically change our jobs. The message is clear – evolve or go extinct. This section will help you evolve.

#4: Out-There Ideas

This covers the topics that may seem like science fiction now, but may become science fact in the near future. Human organs manufactured in space and bionic arms that feel objects like a real hand sound like something from a movie. But both are already happening. If you love dreaming about the future, or just want to impress the kids who think you are a tech dummy, this is the section that will prepare you for what is coming next.

Join us in the conversation.

You should not need a computer science degree to understand how technology is transforming healthcare. Digital health should benefit you and make your life, your family, and your job easier to manage.




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